Sunday, November 30, 2014


私の好きな くだもの は いちご や りんごです。

私の好きな いろは パープル です。

私の好きな たべもんのはベーグルです。


おんがくがすきですが、私はみるのが好きです。おんがくをあそびのがわかりません。ロック や ポッス が 好きです。

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Lobster Club! (that's as much as I can type in Japanese orz)

So, Lobster Club is an improv comedy group on campus, and we have shows this week! I just joined this year (I'm a freshman woooo!), so this will be my first show! I'm a little nervous because I'm completely new to improv comedy and I'm not the greatest at it, but I'll see how it goes, haha.

I've had fun in workshops and rehearsal so far, and I'm glad I joined!

That's all I have to write on in my life I guess. Here's another song that I like!


edit: Haha, I made the title of this post "まいしゅう" instead of "こんしゅう" last night. I guess I was tired...

Monday, November 3, 2014



あきやすみにわたしはうちにかえりました。うちなかにミネソタです.わたしはねました。わたしはゲムおしました。 わたしはかずことレストランでひるごはんをたべました。



Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Goal Statement and Reflection

The past seven weeks of PE has allowed me to work on the listening and speaking portion of my Japanese. While I feel like I have made progress, I'm still not the quickest speaker nor am I the fastest at dictation, and PE along with other listening exercises have helped me realize that. Thus, my new goals are going to reflect this desire to improve in those areas.

Goal Statement: To speak and dictate Japanese quicker.

Ways to achieve goal:
1) Continue going to Japanese Table
2) Continue going to office hours
3) Continue studying vocabulary
4) Increase shadowing and watching anime to make it either a daily or at least triweekly activity